World Languages
Dec 27, 2008
Octopuses are characterized by their eight arms usually bearing suction cups. Most have almost entirely soft bodies with no internal skeleton. They have neither a protective outer shell nor any vestige of an internal shell or bones, like cuttlefish or squid.
Octopuses have a relatively short life expectancy, for as little as six months. Larger species, may live for up to five years under suitable circumstances. Reproduction is a main cause of death; males can only live for a few months after mating, and females die shortly after their eggs hatch. Endocrine secretions from the two optic glands are the cause of genetically-programmed death
Octopus blood contains the copper-rich protein hemocyanin, in cold conditions with low oxygen pressure, hemocyanin oxygen transportation is more efficient than hemoglobin oxygen transportation. The hemocyanin is dissolved in the plasmas instead of being bound in red blood cells and gives the blood a blue color.
Octopuses are highly intelligence, probably more intelligent than any other order of nvertebrates.Problem solving experiments have shown that they do have both short and long memory. Their short lifespans limit the amount they can ultimately learn. There has been much speculation to the effect that almost all octopus behaviors are independently learned rather than instinct-based, although this remains largely unproven. They learn almost no behaviors from their parents, with whom young octopuses have very little contact.
An octopus's primary defense is to hide, other defenses include the use of ink sacs, camouflage, and auto missing limbs. An octopus's camouflage is aided by certain specialized skin cells which can change the apparent color, opacity, and reflectiveness of the epidermis.
Octopuses have keen eye sight and have an excellent sense of touch. Jet propulsion is their fastest means of locomotion, followed by swimming and bipedal walking.
The north pacific giant octopus - ' Enteroctopus dofleini', is often cited as the largest octopus species. Adults usually weigh around 15 kg , with an arm span of up to 4.3 m. 0ne such record is of a specimen. weighing 272kg and having an arm span of 9 m .
Dec 23, 2008
Egypt Ancient Tombs
Two new tombs dating back to 4,300 years ago were found buried in the sands south of Cairo and could shed light on the fifth and the sixth dynasties of the Old Kingdom- reign of Pharaoh Unas. Both tombs feature hieroglyphics at their entrances but the contents of the tombs have long since been stolen. The entrance of the tomb shows carved images of lotus flowers.
The death of Unas brought the Fifth Dynasty to an end; the Sixth Dynasty, a time of conflict in Egypt's royal family and erosion of centralized power, is considered to be the last dynasty of the Old Kingdom (2,613-2,494 BC), after which Egypt descended into famine and social upheaval.
The discovery of the two tombs are just the beginning of a big, large cemetery, 70 percent of Egypt's ancient monuments remain buried under sand.
Dec 21, 2008
Laser Surgery
A new tool that allows doctors to use laser surgery in complex operations named “Omni directional dielectric mirror" was created by Professor Fink in 1995.
ODD mirror is also an important development in fiber optic tool in minimally invasive surgery; until the "ODD mirror" came along there were no fibers that could transport the safer CO2 lasers. Surgeons had to shoot the laser beam directly from its large generator and could do so only at a straight angle, rendering it impossible to reach deeper tissues; for years, doctors were able to treat patients with lasers in only limited circumstances and with many complications.
In a recent case, a patient had a tumor at the base of the brain, a tumor that could not have been previously reached without ODD mirror. Using a scalpel to cut off the tumor would also have been dangerous as the patient's tumor was attached to an important vein. Using the scalpel could have caused a stroke, instead doctor used CO2 laser to melt the tumor and then shave it off.
By taking two materials with different optical properties (one being a semi-conducting glass and one being a polymer) and stacking these two up in very tight and ultra thin layers, around 1 micron each (1/1000 of a millimeter), they create an omni-reflector. By changing only the thickness and distance of the layers, “ODD mirror" could reflect any type of electromagnetic energy in any wavelength, there by enable surgeon to easily manipulate the use of lasers rather than scalpels to operate on everything from tumors, deafness and spine injuries in hard to reach angle and almost every tissues in the body during complex surgery with minimum invasive technique. This type of surgery is known to reduce recovery time, the likelihood of complications and incision size. In many cases, patients also spend less time "under the knife."
Dec 20, 2008
Colon-rectal Cancer
The Annals of Internal Medicine published that colonoscopies are still very effective in detecting colon-rectal cancer, but they're only good at doing so in cancers found on the left side [descending] of the colon, not on the right side (ascending). Possible reasons the test favors the left side include the form and structure of the colon's different parts, and the different types of polyps that are commonly found on the right side versus the left side.
The colon has four different parts, including the ascending and descending colon, which are physically very different.
One possibility is the polyps on the left side of the colon are sort of mushroom-shaped with a stem, thus making them easier to see (and to remove). Whereas the right side often has more squatter-looking polyps that don't have stems, or are sometimes flat and thus harder to see.
Other possibilities are that it's harder for an endoscope to reach the right side than the left side, or that the treatment you drink to clean out the colon before you get screened isn't being taken properly or there's a combination of these factors going on.
Colon-rectal cancer is the third-leading cause of cancer deaths in the
Dec 19, 2008
Tumors' Chemical Signal
Leukemia cells use powerful chemical signals to lure healthy blood-forming stem cells into their cancerous lairs, where they lose their power to make healthy blood cells,
But by jamming these signals in mice, the team was able to protect the stem cells, called hematopoietic progenitor cells. If it works in humans, this process could help preserve healthy blood cells in people with leukemia.
Leukemia cells and some solid tumors create specific niches in the bone marrow where they multiply and spread. Healthy blood-making cells also congregate in special bone marrow niches, where they divide and make cells needed to fight infection, control blood clotting and carry oxygen to the body.
Cells that were previously in happy normal homes were actually so attracted by the malignant niches; they were migrating into these tumor cell niches where they were compromised. Their number declines over time and once they were in the malignant niche they couldn't leave it and were stuck there. The cancer overproduces a normally expressed molecule called a stem cell factor, which entices normal stem cells into the cancer niche. When the team blocked the release of this chemical signal with neutralizing antibodies, the blood-making cells went about their normal business.
In anther unrelated French-led international study found that acute myeloid leukemia patients treated with Vidaza (azacitidine) have significantly increased overall survival. Acute myeloid leukemia is a cancer in which abnormal cells accumulate in bone marrow and interfere with normal blood cell production. Patients with AML typically have a poor prognosis and do not respond well to conventional chemotherapy. Noting approximately 30 percent of patients diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, formerly known as "preleukemia," will progress to AML.
The results from an international phase III trial that was the first to show an increased overall survival for higher-risk MDS patients. The study showed 50 percent of the AML patients who were treated with Vidaza survived at least two years, compared with only 16 percent of patients treated with conventional regimens.
Dec 18, 2008
Serious injuries and deaths have been associated with the use of heparin, a blood-thinning drug that contained active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) from
FDA testing in January found that large amounts of Chinese raw heparin imported into the United Sates were contaminated with the chemical over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate. The FDA believes the substance was added to allow the product to pass tests that measure heparin levels.
A major heparin recall ensued. Almost 250 deaths and hundreds of severe allergic reactions were blamed on tainted batches of the blood thinner, which is frequently given to patients having heart surgery and kidney dialysis.
Two Celsus Laboratories products facing recall were heparin sodium and heparin lithium. The sodium form is given directly to patients as a blood thinner. Heparin lithium is used to coat medical devices, such as blood-collection tubes, to keep blood from clotting on them.
Changzhou SPL, a Chinese subsidiary of Scientific Protein Laboratories, was identified as the source of the contaminated heparin used by Baxter International, which bought heparin ingredients from SPL from 2004 through 2008 but did not inspect the facility until September 2007. The company sent one person who spent one day in the plant, five months later, the F.D.A. discovered myriad problems.
A Congressional investigator said the contaminant, over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate, cost $9 a pound compared with $900 a pound for heparin. Even with serious questions about products safety and contaminated ingredients imported from China , regulatory agency and local manufacturers continue to ignore consumer safety warning sign for ingredients and products made in China , allowing them to enter into the country without careful examination until tragedy happen.
The FDA has issued 13 recalls of tainted heparin products so far this year. Scientists are racing to develop safer, synthetic versions of the anticoagulant to reduce American dependence on
Dec 16, 2008
Solar Water Heater
The machine includes a large solar panel and a water tank. The panel consists of 18 glass tubes made of stainless steel aluminum nitride cermet that work as the solar-absorbing layer. The gathered heat is then used to warm up the water in the tank.
According to the owner of the house, the 40 gallon tank is enough to replace four electric water heaters previously used in four bathrooms. This replacement saves her about $10 a month on her electricity bills. The owner paid $760 to have the machine installed , both parts and labor including new pipes and other accessories.
Dec 13, 2008
Alternative Energy
Garbage buried in airless pockets deep inside landfills, the organic matter in these great mounds of waste is consumed by bacteria that give off gas rich in methane, increasingly used to generate electricity and heat. Landfill methane in New York , New Jersey and Connecticut powers generators that produce a total of 169 megawatts of electricity; the methane also provides 16.7 million cubic feet of gas daily for heating and other direct uses.
Methane production depends on the type of garbage, organic-laden municipal solid waste is the best producer — how old and how tightly bundled it is, the quantity and, especially, weather conditions. Landfills in dry, hot climates produce less; those in steamy, rainy places do best because moisture hastens the decomposition that produces methane.Landfill gas is about 50 percent methane and 50 percent carbon dioxide. Trace ingredients include hydrogen sulfide, which has a noxious odor. Collection systems and flaring largely eliminates odors from these ingredients. Methane itself is odorless.
Landfill methane becomes a greenhouse gas at least 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide if not captured, when it rises into the atmosphere. Capturing methane is a global housekeeping benefit as well as an important alternative energy niche, energy production from landfill methane, while desirable, will go only a short way toward meeting overall energy needs.
Green Power
Cows at Green Mountain Dairy not only produced milk and manure; recently they have generated something else: electricity, methane gas from cow manure is converted into electricity that is sold to the power utility’s grid.
A mechanical scraper sweeps the animals’ waste into a large drain. The waste is then pumped into a huge sealed concrete tank known as a digester, which holds 21 days’ worth of waste and is kept at a temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. Anaerobic bacteria break down the organic matter in the waste, producing a mix of methane and other gases, known as bio-gas. The gas is burned in an engine that runs an electrical generator. A 1,050 cows farm can produces roughly 250 to 300 kilowatts of electricity daily, enough to power 300 to 350 homes.
The digester produces more than electricity. After 21 days, the waste is pumped through a separator, which siphons off the liquid into a silo and drops the solids into a barn. The liquid manure is used as fertilizer, while the solids are used for cow bedding. The bedding saves the farm owner thousands of dollars a month on sawdust, and they sell the excess to garden stores.
Dec 12, 2008
The World Health Organization said Friday that Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic is not under control; cholera outbreaks have become more frequent in Zimbabwe since the early 1990s, but recent political crisis, which has seen the economy collapse and health care system break down, has enabled the disease to spread rapidly. About 14,000 people are reported to have been infected while another 600 have succumbed to the disease, the figure can be significantly higher together with unreported cases. As usual, Robert Mugabe's government denied any cholera outbreak, instead accused former colonial power Britain of starting that "genocidal" cholera epidemic and the west "racist" attempts to topple his government.
Cholera, which is transmitted through food and water, is an infectious illness that can kill its victims within hours of contraction. Once the bacteria enter the body, they release a toxin that causes the intestine's pump to suck all the water from the body. In its severe form, cholera is one of the world's most fatal illnesses. Within an hour of the onset of symptoms, a healthy person can become crippled from rapid dehydration, nosebleeds, dry skin, tiredness, diarrhea, vomiting and cramps. The only way to treat it is to give the body enough fluids to survive until the bacteria's life cycle ends, which is usually about five days.
The only real prevention for the disease is good hygiene. Sterilization, sewage treatment, water purification and good food practice are ways of preventing and containing the spread of the disease. But in Zimbabwe, where there is wide spread hunger and no water, let alone clean water, it is difficult to even start tackling the problem.
Dec 5, 2008
World's Hungers
The hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa is getting worse and could tip into famine if the next harvest fails, the head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said on Thursday. Food production across the Horn of Africa has suffered because of poor rains while global food prices have risen. Some African countries already have the lowest GDP per capital income in this poorest region of the world, recent high inflation rate and adverse effect of global warming couple with AIDS and Cholera outbreak will have a devastating effect on majority of the poor masses in the months ahead.
In Somalia, fighting between the government and Islamists has left millions hungry. Conflict also affects parts of Ethiopia. United Nations estimated nearly 17 million people mainly children and infants are in urgent need of food and other aids across the Horn of Africa, with donors having contributed only half the $1.4 billion needed to feed them for the rest of the year. To make matter worst, adults in these impoverished nations are more interested in fighting and power struggle than preparing for the impending natural disaster and feeding the children .
A British minister sharply attacked the United Nations on Thursday, saying the organization was not fit to lead the world's drive to eradicate poverty."Reform is urgent." the minister told U.N.
He was speaking at the end of a fact-finding mission to assess the U.N.'s work in Africa, called for reform in areas such as the United Nations' leadership, humanitarian assistance and performance. His demand that the United Nations meet tough performance targets comes as the U.N. and aid partners voice fears that countries will cut back on aid commitments as the global financial crisis puts their budgets under pressure. The mission convinced him there was a need for more transparency and streamlining in the way the United Nations operated.
Director of the U.N.'s Millennium Campaign which has set goals to halve extreme poverty and boost life expectancy by 2015, told Reuters many donor countries gave money to the wrong places for the wrong things; it's not going to the poorest countries for meeting the goals. Half of it goes for political interests, for opening up markets and other things.
Dec 4, 2008
Yaskawa Electric's Motoman SDA10 robot not just getting by on its good looks alone, it recently took advantage of Osaka's International Next-Generation Robot Fair to show off its newly developed cooking skills. It was able to take an order from a customer using its voice recognition capabilities and whip up a pancake from scratch, with it even going so far as to serve it to the customer and top it off with some condiments. Motoman also recently made an appearance on a Japanese TV show where it assembled a camera .
An underwater camera at an oil and gas drilling site off the coast of
This alien-like, long-armed, and--strangest of all--"elbowed" Magnapinna squid has undulating, wing like flaps that gave Magnapinna ("big fin") its name--as well as the distinctive tentacles, extended at right angles and trailing like fishing lines. Whereas giant squid and other cephalopods have eight short arms and two long tentacles, Magnapinna have ten appendages that all appear to be the same length.
First identified ten years ago, adult Magnapinna squid can range from 5 to 23 feet long ; by contrast, the largest known giant squid measured about 52 feet long.
Dec 3, 2008
Cluster Bomb Treaty
1. The cluster bomb is dropped from a plane and can fly about nine miles before releasing its load of about 200 bomb-lets.
2.The canister starts to spin and open at an altitude between 1,000m and 100 m releasing and spraying the bomblets across a wide area.
3.Each is the size of a soft drink can and contains hundred of sharp metal pieces. When it explodes, can cause deadly injuries up to 25 m away.
The first of more than 100 countries have begun signing a treaty to ban current designs of cluster bombs, at a conference in Oslo, Norway. But some of the biggest stockpiles countries including USA, Russia, China and Israel are not the signatories; unfortunately the good intention of the treaty to protect civilians worldwide from the horror of these very dangerous weapon of war is not fully embraced by some government of above countries which remain steadfast to the believed that causing massive civilian deaths and casualty is an acceptable act and refuse to end targeting civilians in time of war through their stockpiles.
First developed during world war ll, critics argue that cluster bombs are immoral because of the danger posed to civilians from bombs that do not explode and litter the ground like landmines. The path to cluster bombs can be traced through the mountains and the rice paddies of south east Asia where several hundred million sub-munitions were dropped and ten of millions remain today. Civilians living in Laos ,Cambodia and Vietnam have lived with the threat from the remain of these unexploded sub-munitions, that have caused so much anxiety and harm to the population for four decade.
Dec 1, 2008
Landmark Tower
Seattle, Washington - The "Space Needle" is 605 feet high and 138 feet wide at its widest point and weighs 9,550 tons. The tower has 25 lightning rods on its roof . Its' features an observation deck at 520 feet . From the top of the Needle, one can see not only the Downtown Seattle skyline, but also the Cascade Mountains, Mount Rainier, Mount Baker, Elliott Bay,Olympic and surrounding islands.
Soap Lake, Washington - Giant "Lava Lamp" will mark the return of flowing lava to the region in a rather unusual and incredibly interesting way. Soap Lake once used to be a bustling spa town due to its unique mineral lake.
The "Lava Lamp" is proposed to be 60+ feet high with a diameter of 18+ feet. It is constructed of cast 4-6 inch thick reinforced glass with a structural metal base and top cap.
At mid-point of the structure, where the base meets the glass cylinder, an observation platform with a catwalk surrounding the glass cylinder will be constructed with access to the platform provided by a circular stair weaving up the base from the ground. A fee will be established to access the platform, which will provide money to help finance and maintain the structure. The platform will offer views of the community and the lake.
The "Eiffel Tower" is the tallest building in Paris, France. The structure is 1,063 ft high, which is equivalent to about 81 levels in a conventional building. The metal structure of the Eiffel Tower weighs 7,300 tonnes while the entire structure including non-metal components is approximately 10,000 tonnes. Depending on the ambient temperature, the top of the tower may shift away from the sun by up to 7 in because of thermal expansion of the metal on the side facing the sun. The tower also able to sways 2–3 inches in the wind.